Sunday, January 30, 2011

Video Killed My Productivity Rate

The words "overwhelmed" don't even come close to how I feel about this coming week.  Juggling an amazing internship at WORN fashion journal, working at a gourmet chocolate restaurant and trying to graduate from journalism school is really starting to have it's effects on my brain.  With the daunting pile of work ahead of me for this particularly over-crammed next seven days, I find myself seeking solace; I started today with a series of random, adorable videos I'd like to share with you.

Okay but seriously, let's all get down to work now... There are only so many hours in a Sunday.

Happy homeworking!
Between Shoe and I

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Marry Me Miu Miu

I am a huge Miu Miu supporter. Huge might even be an understatement; colossal? Massive? Immense?


Despite my devoted attitude to Prada's little sister, the much anticipated Spring 2011 collection left me with mixed feelings.  I loved the pleated panels, the colour blocking, and the garish hollywood inspiration as much as anyone, but something wasn't quite there that I had come to depend on Miu Miu for. It just wasn't pretty enough!

Luckily, this dreamy video gave me the sigh of contentment I had been secretly wishing for. THIS is where all the pretty went! 

The Powder Room by Zoe Cassavetes is the first release from Miu Miu's The Women's Tales series.  Various female filmmakers from around the world will each be creating short films depicting their personal fantasies about Miu Miu garments and the women who wear them. I am ecstatic.

More please!

Between Shoe and I

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Could this be ANY cuter? Oh sorry, you may be wondering why I am swooning over a juicebox with a child-like apple on it. MAYBE BECAUSE IT'S A CAMERA!

That's right. This 35mm little beauty comes complete with gingham, a straw that works as a shutter, and an incredibly believable look that could come in handy when taking creepy secret photos of innocent bystanders.

Could all technology please be this quirky and wonderful? Thanks Photojojo.

Between shoe and I

Images via Photojojo

Monday, January 17, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things

The weeks following the holiday season can be as bleak and cold as a bowl of mushy cereal. Luckily, I have some of my favorite things to get me out of bed.

- between shoe and i

Friday, January 14, 2011

Why Hello There!

I figure it's only polite for me to introduce myself to you.  I'm a writer living in dreary downtown Toronto who really should've started a blog eons ago but due to my grandma-like mindset I tend to avoid technology as much as possible.

  I'm originally from Vancouver, although sometimes I like to pretend I'm actually from some mystical forest where unicorns roam free and I could speak to squirrels.

 I like pretty things, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.  Pretty things include but are certainly NOT limited to: french macaron, 3 tiered candy trays, bizarre and/or beautiful fashion, almost anything sparkly, cupcakes, floral, shoes (duh), studs, kitchen utensils shaped like hearts (I have a collection), frilly socks, cruiser bikes, tea and teacups AND teapots, perfumes, small fluffy animals... and big fluffy animals for that matter, patterned tights, red lipstick, YOU GET THE POINT.  I like lovely little joy-giving, gasp-inspiring, shopaholic-tempting things.

My blog intends to be a sort of fashion/food/art/generally cutesy things oriented, but I make no promises that the subject matter won't stray here or there; being the whimsical type I tend to be easily distracted.

I'm rambling. Terribly sorry. It was so delightful to meet you and I hope you'll come around again!

Oh, and please keep this just between shoe and I!